How long have you been at Templar
Nearly 10 years, I’ve been ‘Ologizing’ all that time!
What does your job involve?
Working with some very nice to people to create fun books. From drawing matchstick men to typesetting and art directing, with some photoshopping and paper-engineering thrown in.
What is the most satisfying element of your job?
Watching people, especially kids, looking a finished Ology book. Most people scan the pages using their sense of touch, trying to find the novelties, whilst others are off in a world of their own!
Have you had any funny awkward moments?
We had Brian Froud visiting, on my way to collect some printouts from the other end of the studio, I found myself walking behind him. Suddenly, our MD shouts out, “Nghiem, will you stop stalking Brian Froud!” I wanted faeries to whisk me away!
What is your most memorable moment or biggest achievement at Templar to date?
After a bumpy, stomach-churning flight to Glasgow... we won the British Book Award for Design and Production for Egyptology. Yay, Templar’s first Nibbie!
How do you take your tea?
British tea = with milk, Chinese tea = with lots of dim sum :)
Fave book related blogs / twitter accounts/websites ?
Blogs... It would have to be the Booksniffer and Jabberworks. Tweets... My friends, tbktweet and waldopancake.
What are you working on at the moment?
Working the finishing up Ology #11/Illusionology, pondering about Ology #12 and wading through the digital books swamp.
Are there any authors or illustrators you haven’t worked with yet who you would like to work with in the future?
How do I answer this without sounding like a stalker...? I’m a huge fan of Niroot Puttapipat. A few years ago. I wrote a standard art test brief, this was his interpretation...
What are their favourite books (both Templar and non Templar)?
I love fairy tales! From Templar’s Aesop’s fables by Helen Ward to the Coloured Fairy Books by The Folio Society.
- Bookshop or library >> Library as kid, Bookshops as a grown-up
- Physical or digital >> Physical
- Mac or PC >> Mac, RIP Steve Jobs
- Coffee or tea >> Both, it depends on time of day
- Biscuit or cake >> Cake
- Heatwave or snowstorm >> Snowstorm
I absolutely love the Ology books. I have Pirateology (love that compass on the front), Dragonology and Wizardology. You have created some masterpieces with this series; they are the antiques of the future. I want to add Egyptology to my collection as soon as possible.